Non-Competition Award Winners Named by The Jockey Club's T.I.P.

Sir Gus | Ed Wennerstrom

The Jockey Club's Thoroughbred Incentive Program (T.I.P.) announced Monday the winners of its two non-competition awards for 2020: the T.I.P. Thoroughbred of the Year Award, which recognizes a Thoroughbred that has excelled in a non-competitive career, and the T.I.P. Young Rider of the Year Award, which recognizes riders 18 or younger who own or lease a Thoroughbred for activities such as 4-H or Pony Club.

The Thoroughbred of the Year Award goes to Sir Gus (Tammany), a 25-year-old gelding known around the barn as “Gus,” who was a six-time winner on the racetrack and now assists with therapeutic programs at Brook Hill Farm near Forest, Va. Gus has worked in both Brook Hill's at-risk youth program and the therapeutic program, helping children and adults with physical and mental challenges.

“Gus has done it all, from jumping at [a] Pony Club rally to helping children in a therapeutic riding program,” said Jo Anne Miller, executive director of Brook Hill. “He loves to take care of his riders!”

The award includes a $5,000 grant.

The Young Rider of the Year Award for 2020 is split between Kate Brown, who competes in dressage and eventing and has served as a T.I.P. Youth Ambassador; Clara Dendtler, who competes in hunters and was the junior high point rider at the T.I.P. Championships in 2019; Jenna Everhart, who shows in English pleasure and was named champion in T.I.P.'s Junior division and reserve champion in the East division in 2019; and Isabella Wade, who competes in hunters and is a T.I.P. Youth Ambassador.

“I see going to T.I.P. shows and raising awareness for the breed as something I should be doing because I own an [off-the-track Thoroughbred],” said Wade. “I can't imagine my life without my Thoroughbred and being a T.I.P. Youth Ambassador has added to my experience.”

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