Friends of Kentucky Racing Celebrates Election Results

Coady Media

Friends of Kentucky Racing, a bipartisan super PAC of Kentucky horse racing industry members, raised and spent $250,000 supporting candidates who are advocates of racing and defeating those who have attempted to harm one of Kentucky's signature industries in Tuesday's state legislative primaries, the group said in a press release.

“Friends of Kentucky Racing set out to win and that's just what we've done,” read a statement from the super PAC. “By relegating Adrienne Southworth in the 7th Senate District to a third-place finish, we toppled the number one opponent of our industry in the Commonwealth. On top of that, we sent clear messages to those who would oppose the common-sense priorities of the horse-racing industry by beating challengers to allies Representative Michael Meredith in House District 19 and Matt Nunn in Senate District 17.”

“Additionally, the win of supported candidate Anne Gay Donworth to the open 76th House District will be a major boost for the region. To be clear, last night was a great night for our industry, and we plan to continue to help friends of Kentucky's signature industry and oppose its enemies in the general election to an even greater degree.”

As an independent expenditure, Friends of Kentucky Racing said they would continue to support and oppose candidates up and down the ballot in Kentucky's general election this November.

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