Finley: Where there is smoke, there is almost always fire

Terry Finley advocates for change in racing. He sits down with the TDN and reflects on what needs to happen as a result of the indictment of 27 people in the thoroughbred industry including trainers Jorge Navarro and Jason Servis.

“You know, you read the indictments and you realize that the core of the case was built around the intelligence that they gathered, via text and, and the cell phone. So I think the big part of it, and a big part of the thing that we're missing internally in the thoroughbred business are actually the boots on the ground. And I'm just, I'm appreciative of the FBI and the federal authorities that actually gave us the boots on the ground. But we know that's not sustainable and, I would hope, I think that we're going to get into a position where we're going to have a sustainable program.

“I'd like to think that all of us will look back on the 9th of March, 2020 is a day that really turned the tide for our industry and I, I truly believe that. And I know, I know a lot of us have talked to people right from all over the world and, and that is the thing that bubbles up in almost every conversation is we've got to take advantage of this. And I really have a lot of confidence in the people that, that, that truly love our business that we're going to do.”

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