Challenges and Solutions: John Phillips

John Phillips | Darby Dan

JOHN PHILLIPS, Owner, Darby Dan Farm

What is the most pressing problem that needs to be tackled in racing, and how would you solve it?

There are many pressing problems but many are tactical, not conceptual. By that I mean answers such as: economics, drugs, coordination of product, aftercare, etc. But since the question is “most pressing” I take a step back and ask is there a problem that if solved would actually solve several of these tactical problems at the same time. An overarching problem that by the force of its resolution would address, perhaps dictate by sheer simple logic, the resolution of others.

Therefore, I would say that our most pressing problem is– its participants lack of accountability for the welfare of the sport.

Assume a culture where its participants were keenly aware that it is the “Sport” that makes us get up every morning. The Sport may be our greatest joy or our only livelihood but its health would be the our central theme around which we pursue our business or pleasure niche. Without the Sport our jobs, our farms, a way of life from top to bottom, our endless debates, our entertainment and indeed the thoroughbred itself, would not be here.

I suspect if the first question asked, before any of those tactical problems were addressed, was simply, “what would be best for the sport as a whole?”– that those many pressing problems would find quicker solutions.

What do you think somebody from the outside looking in–somebody not involved in racing–would say the most pressing problem is?

A) Equine aftercare B) Drugs C) Whipping

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