Letter to the Industry

As Did Kentucky, Florida Legislature Should Bet On Live Racing

A Letter To The Industry from Damon Thayer The Florida State Legislature is facing a crossroads similar to what we in Kentucky's General Assembly faced in early 2021. At stake, as it was in Kentucky, is the future of the labor-intensive horseracing and breeding industry in that state. With strong support from horsemen whose livelihoods were at risk, Kentucky lawmakers passed legislation that allowed the racing industry to invest in itself by protecting tracks' ability to conduct and benefit from another parimutuel product known as historical horse racing (HHR). Today,...

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Open Letter to the Industry: FTBOA Stands Firm

By now we are all well-informed of Gulfstream Park's intent to decouple their casino gaming from live racing responsibilities. I have no doubt they are very serious about abandoning live racing while expanding casinos and property development. This cynical action arrives on the heels of historic stimulus legislation--led by the Florida Thoroughbred Breeders' and Owners' Association and our strong allies in Tallahassee--that stabilized racing and breeding economics. The only outstanding ingredient for an ascendant industry--racetrack operators committed to the live race. As you consider the future of the Florida Thoroughbred...

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Open Letter To The Industry: John Stewart On The State of the Industry

Dear Horse Racing Enthusiasts and Industry Stakeholders, As I reflect on my first year as a newcomer in the horse racing industry, I wish to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have welcomed me into this sport. Stepping into something unfamiliar can be daunting, especially with the significant investment I have made. The accomplishments I have achieved this year are a direct result of the support and encouragement I have received from many individuals who have helped me establish my operations. I believe it...

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Letter to the Industry: Roderick Wachman

The Thoroughbred industry continues to shrink and has a massive damage control and marketing issue. As things stand, we look like a passenger ship on a collision course with an iceberg. There are many screams, but no well-funded, established industry organization appears to want control of the wheel. Clearly the anti-racing lobby is well supported and now getting prime time slots on mainstream media. If you are making a living from this industry as a sales company, stallion owner, farm owner, trainer, agent, pinhooker etc; or a provider such as...

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Promoting the American Thoroughbred Industry: Letter to the Editor, Justin Casse

During the recent holiday season, I had the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with my 13-year-old son, Max, about his future aspirations. As he approaches an age where decisions about higher education and career paths come into focus, we've delved into conversations about his collegiate preferences and professional ambitions. It is not uncommon for adolescents at this stage to express a desire to emulate the occupational choices of family members. Max, in particular, has conveyed an interest in following in the footsteps of his father, cousin Norm, uncle Mark,...

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Fasig-Tipton's Boyd Browning Urges Industry To Join In Action In 2024

Editor's Note: The TDN received this letter from Fasig-Tipton's Boyd Browning. 2023 was certainly a year of many challenges for the Thoroughbred industry. Much has been written and spoken about the issues we face, although very little action has taken place. As we enter 2024, I believe it is imperative we make meaningful efforts to improve our sport. Every component of the industry must pledge to do a better job. We must find common ground and set aside our egos. We must commit (at a minimum) to the following actions...

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Brereton Jones: Longtime Supporter of Old Friends

Anyone who ever knew Brereton C. Jones can stop reading now. I won't be telling you anything new. He was smart, kind and compassionate. And that is a rare trifecta. But he was so much more than that. Nearly two decades ago, when I first started Old Friends, I made an appointment to see him at Airdrie Stud, a farm as modest and forthright as he was. "Let me get this straight," he said. "You're going to get these horses, including stallions from Japan, and you're not going to race...

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Letter to the Industry: Coolmore Calls on Industry for HHR Support

Dear Friend of Coolmore America, As a valued client and friend of Coolmore America we need your help to take action and keep the Kentucky thoroughbred business strong and vibrant. Due to a recent ruling by the Kentucky Supreme Court the future of the horse business in Kentucky along with the more than 60,000 jobs and more than $5.2 billion in economic impact is now at a crossroads and in jeopardy. Over the last decade historical horse racing has helped the horse industry flourish and has created thousands of jobs and...

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Letter to the Industry: John Phillips

Despite the world seemingly on hold, the TAA is moving forward, albeit with some improvisation given the circumstances, but forward nonetheless. Specifically, the accreditation process for 2020 is well underway and functioning as normal as the team is currently reviewing the submitted applications. Now more than ever, our 74 accredited organizations with their 160 facilities need support. We are striving to maintain regular contact with these aftercare soldiers on the ground and provide them with as much information and assistance as possible. Although informal surveys do not suggest a wave...

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