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By BILL FINLEY GEORGETOWN, KY – It’s hard to say who has more en knew that he wouldn’t. He tries again. “Who’s the personality or is a bigger character—Michael Blowen greatest horse in the history of the universe?” Having or Silver Charm. been properly acknowledged, Silver Charm gallops en- They seem to think they are Martin and Lewis. thusiastically toward Blowen to receive his treat. With carrot in hand, Blowen, the founder of Old Blowen said that after the tourists go home at night Friends Thoroughbred Farms calls out, “Hey, Silver he plays hide and seek with Silver Charm, running Charm.” The now 22-year-old winner of the GI Ken- around the paddock together, ducking behind the run- tucky Derby and GI Preakness, doesn’t budge. Blow- in shed. You know that he is serious. 07