Thorpedo Anna's Groom at Magdalena a Familiar Face in Racing

Thorpedo Anna and Cordell Anderson at Magdalena Farm Sara Gordon


While Runhappy has always been 'The Man' in Cordell Anderson's book, over the past two months, Thorpedo Anna (Fast Anna) has quickly become 'The Girl.'

Anderson is best known for his steady presence in the sales ring. The Jamaican-born horseman has been a showman at Keeneland for the past 35 years, leading countless horses to seven-figure sales over the decades, but Anderson has also worked for various racing stables throughout his career. He worked for Kenny McPeek about 20 years ago before later moving on to Laura Wohlers of Gallery Racing, where he was the groom of 2015 champion sprinter Runhappy. In April of this year, Anderson returned to McPeek to work at the trainer's base at Magdalena Farm in Lexington, Kentucky.

Following the Breeders' Cup, GI Kentucky Oaks victress and newly crowned Distaff champ Thorpedo Anna moved to Magdalena, where she spent just under two months there before starting to gear up for her 4-year-old season. Anderson was the filly's groom during her 'R and R' at Magdalena and he quickly grew attached to the superstar.

“She's a different species,” said Anderson. “She just knows that she is 'The Girl.' She is really special. She doesn't wait around for you to take her to the paddock. When it comes morning, she says, 'I want to go. Let's get out of here.'”

At first 'Thorpedo,' as she's called by Anderson, did not respond well to being turned out on her own and would pace the fenceline, but when she was introduced to paddock-mate Cooper, a retired show jumper, she settled in quickly.

“She didn't feel comfortable by herself, but when we turned Cooper out with her they just got to be buddies and she's loving his company,” Anderson shared. “She'll be running around Cooper and he'll just walk real slowly. She goes up to him, kind of nudges him a little bit and Cooper doesn't move. Cooper is great for her. She has put on weight and she's doing good.”

Thorpedo Anna and her paddock-mate Cooper | Sara Gordon

What Thorpedo Anna may have lacked in sunshine during these past few fairly dreary weeks in Kentucky was more than made up for with the care she received from Anderson and the rest of the team at Magdalena. The champion and Horse of the Year candidate shipped to Silverleaf Hills Training Center in Florida just before Christmas and will soon move to McPeek's barn at Fair Grounds to prepare for her 4-year-old debut.

Anderson joked that a decade or two ago, he might have put his hat in the ring to become her groom at the racetrack for her 4-year-old season.

“If I was a little bit younger, I think I would like to take her on for the second round,” he said with a laugh.

As it is, he'll happily cheer her on from Magdalena in 2025.

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