Gryder, Hovdey To Sign Well Armed Book at Global Symposium

Aaron Gryder and Well Armed following the 2009 Dubai World Cup | Horsephotos

Former jockey Aaron Gryder and five-time Eclipse Award-winning writer Jay Hovdey will be on hand at the upcoming Global Symposium on Racing to sign copies of Well Armed: A Thoroughbred of Destiny. The signing will take place on the afternoon of Dec. 10, at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona.

The just-published book is a story about the son of Tiznow, bred and raced by WinStar Farm, who overcame many physical setbacks to win the 2009 G1 Dubai World Cup by a whopping 14 lengths.

The story is tied into the tragic passing of WinStar principal Bill Casner's daughter Karri, who was killed in a terrorist attack on the resort island of Bali in October 2002. Well Armed was born six months later on what would have marked Karri Casner's 24th birthday.

Well Armed: A Thoroughbred of Destiny also tells the story of the journeyman Gryder, winner of 4,000 races over the course of his career who retired from riding in 2020 take the position of Vice President-Industry Relations for 1ST/Racing, with an emphasis on the safety and welfare of participants at the company's widespread racing and training properties.

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