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By SID FERNANDO The Belmont Stakes winner has that your out-of-town friends, who just departed the winner’s circle have flown in for the weekend, are and is headed back to the barn. counting on you to end a great The crowds have quieted. The eu- race day with a fabulous meal with phoria of cashing that four-grand the requisite ambiance. You know bet is leveling off and your people, that Lenny’s Clam Bar and Italian drinks in hand, are milling around Restaurant in nearby blue-collar and starting to think about dinner. Howard Beach, in Queens -- good But you’re in Elmont, which is in food, and cheap, too, but a little unremarkable Nassau County on downscale for the moment -- won’t Long Island on the outskirts of the do it, so what to do, though Italian borough of Queens, and you know sounds perfect? Glad you asked. 19